The end


Scénario BTTF 4 par Michel Labbé. [News, commentaires...]

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Screenplay BTTF Part IV - The starting point...!

Postpar Michel L Brown » 03 Juin 2004, 00:09


In BACK TO THE FUTURE III Dr. Emmett L. Brown(Doc)
fell hopelessely in love with Clara Clayton(a teacher) in
1885, and he chose to stay instead of returning with Marty(his
best friend)
in 1985. He did return at a later time with his
new space-time vehicle, - a flying train - . He was accompanied
this time by Clara and their two sons Jules and Verne, to retrieve
Einstein(his dog). He reassured Marty and Jennifer(Marty’s
Girl friend)
of their future and bid them a final farewell before
leaving for the far west.

The first scene of the scenario BACK TO THE FUTURE IV takes
place on the 11th of october 1895, in the evening at Hill Valley,
at the Brown’s residence. Before the scene with the first actors
we can see on a global view of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett L. Brown’s
property. The scene transgresses from a general view(a
colonial style house with a hangar and other structures)
specific views of details such as the banging of the hangar door
by the north wind that raises, sweeps and drives upwards the
autumn leaves. A windmill and a weather vane turn and twist
under the ravages of the wind. Finally the scene enters the house
where we hear the tick-tock of the grandfather clock which shows
the time to be 8:23pm. All this is supported by soft and melancholy
music similar to BACK TO THE FUTURE III at the beginning of
the film(music of Alan Silvestri).



Hill Valley, 11 October 1895 - 8:23pm. On the second floor
Clara(Mrs. Brown) is tucking in Verne. VERNE Brown, 8, who,
still intrigued by the story told by his grandfather asks:

Is it true that the Vikings discovered America before
Christopher Columbus, that they wrought terror wherever
they set foot, and that they were unimaginably cruel?

CLARA answers very frankly.

Yes it’s true.

Grandpa Clayton also told us when he came to visit the other
day that it was the Vikings who killed one of his ancestors, the
Duke of Scotland, Charles-Philippe Clayton, and that they palliaged
the Edinburgh castle and burnt all the documents that held titles,
good and rights of succession?

Well... at least that what our ancestors from Scotland told
us. Unfortunately, we can’t prove it by any reliable means,
so it is best for you to forget about it. Don’t start believing
in tall tales, or you might end up believing in the “loch ness”
monster Leiv Eriksson “the Viking” or Redbeard “the pirate”.


At that moment, DOC(Dr. Emmett L. Brown) who was listening
to part of the conversation on the ground floor, puts on his long
jacket and hat and says to Clara at the bottom of the stairs.

Clara, I’m going to get some wood to start the fire in the
living-room. At the same time I’m going to tell Jules to go to
bed too. He must be in the hangar.


It’s Emmett!!

She kisses Verne and says to him in a soft voice.

Go to sleep now. Forget about all those horrible stories. If
you don’t you’ll get nightmares, then you’ll wake up and have
trouble getting back to sleep, and you will get to school tired.

She puts out the light and adds.

Good night, my dear.


Doc has just crossed the rear court and has arrived at the
hangar, he opens the door and suprises JULES Brown, 9, who is
on the flying train, (the train with the initiales ELB on it) pretending
to drive it. He has found him on the train many times before and
is angry. He orders him down.

Jules!!... get down here this instant, and get to bed!!

But papa!!.. we have a machine that we can travel through
time with, and we don’t use it. We could make a trip from once
in a while, but all it does is sit here and rust.

Jules!... I have already told you a thousand times we can’t keep
on travelling in time with risking damaging the space-time
continuum. You must live like all the other boys of this time.
That is the way it should be. Now, come on, come down so
you can get to bed.

On that note, Jules lets out a sigh, descends nonchalantly from
the train, and visibly upset, answers.

O.K., I’m going.

He walks drudgingly over to the door and returns to the house.


Jules and Verne are in bed. - 9:00pm chimes. Doc and Clara
are in the living room. She is putting away some books, and he
is standing next to the fireplace. The the fire is slowly coming
to life. Doc wishes to know more about this story that was told
by his father-in-law when he was not there. With a curious air,
he turns to Clara and asks her.

Clara, can you tell me about this story that your father told the
other day to the children? I am intrigued by it. I wasn’t there,
when he told the story, one of the palms of Judge Mason’s
wind generator was damaged by the wings from the other day.
It had to be mended. For the next day. Who is Charles-Philippe

Clara stops in the middle of putting a book away. She slowly
pushes it in, and then turns to look at Doc with a serious air,
that unnerves him. She sits down on the couch and begins to
tell the story - stock remains standing in front of the
fireplace. (flash back)

CLARA (v.o)
Well... my father told it to me long ago... at the beginning of
the XI century, the Vikings invaded Scotland, from the North
Sea, not too far from Edinburgh Castle, which supposedly
belonged to the duke of Scotland, Charles-Philippe Clayton,
my father’s ancestor. He lived in peace with his wife, Katherina,
and his only daughter, Amely.

One of the servants had just been told that the villagers were
fleeing the village into the woods. The Vikings were headed
towards the castle, and it would be wise to flee. They were
outnumbered, and the Vikings were very cruel. Charles-Philippe
Clayton was not an easy man to beat. He was a Highlander
and had fought at the side of KNUD the great, against invaders.
He decided to stay. He armed his servants, and with the help of
some knights, and gave a considerable resistance, which
momentarily stunned the Vikings. Despite that, the Vikings
prevailed and entered the castle.

Seeing that the situation was hopeless, he decided to flee with
his wife and daughter, as well as a few other warriors. But then,
he became trapped by the pillagers. He had almost defeated the
chief, when one of the Vikings stabbed him in the back, ending
his life. He then brutally raped and strangled his wife.

Amely, who was hiding behind the door that led to the secret
passage, saw everything that happened. She was so traumatized
by what she saw that at that time, she was permanently muted
by fear, and almost by miracle managed to avoid their attention.

After the Vikings had gone, she was found by one of the duke’s
bakers, named Cedric, who had managed to avoid the barbarians.
He and his wife Rebecca took her under their roof for some time.
One day they returned to the castle and found it already reinhabit.
They asked who live there, and much to their surprise, they
found it was the count of Oxford Robert Cromwell. Much like
the hyena, who waits for the lion to abandon his prey, the count
had acquired the land after the Vikings had left. Cedric, as well
as all that were with him protested saying « She was the only
daughter of Charles-Philippe Clayton. » and so the inheritance
of the castle, and all its titles were bound to her and should be
given to her immediately.

But the count of Oxford, who had done his own research when
he first arrived. Found no proof of her inheritance, and to his
joy supposed that said manuscripts had been destroyed.
Hypocritically he demanded that she prove her inheritance
by written testament. As she was evidently unable to do at
that time, and she was unaware of the secret hiding place,
that her father had hidden the documents. Seeing that the
crowd was becoming more frustrated, the count, used their
anger against her, and threatened to exile her to afar off
country, if she, Cedric and all who followed them did not
immediately leave the castle, and never return.

Later, after she had become a woman she met a Chevalier
by the name of Tristan Clayton, a German cousin, three times
removed. Taken aback by her beauty he swore to love her
until the day they die. They married and had 14 children,
eight boys, and six girls.

Before she died, Amely Clayton left a long letter about this
horrible story, which left her mute. She ended the letterby
insisting to her children « never forget that you are the true
descendents of the Duke of Scotland, Charles-Philippe
Clayton. ».

A prophet of the 16th century, named Jovianus, a holy
Benedictine Monk revived hope when he announced: « The
original manuscript has never been destroyed, and one day,
near the end of time, after the great cataclysm it will be found
and confined to a new world. It will be found near a crystal
brook, that separates the Redlands. It will bring justice, and
will establish the true descendents and all their rights. ».

Doc, who is stunned by what Clara has just revealed remains
fixed in place. He looks at her with an astonished look on his
face, his patented jaw-dropped mouth and fisheye expression,
says it all. Baffled, he exclaims:

My goodness, what a terrible tragedy! Why did you never tell
me before? you know we can go back in time with my machine
and... (at this point, he is interrupted)

Clara interrupts him, and with an strained emotional voice

I’ll have nothing of it!! And if I have not talked to you before...
it is because you believe that you can change the past with
your time machine. It’s too dangerous!! Haven’t you told us time
after time, that there are many risks? Why, didn’t you just scold
Jules tonight about that?


Jules and Verne who undoubtedly can’t sleep, are listening in
to the conversation. Having heard only part of the conversation
from their rooms, they decided to sit at the top of the stairs,
where the reception is better.


(Continuing) Useless!!...

He is so overwhelmed, that he begins to stutter.

But Clara!... you are... you are...

He begins to have troubles with his conjugations...

will be...

He regains his self-control...

You are the Duchess of Scotland!!... the highest title, under
the old regime!!

Upset, he concludes.

And all because those barbarians decided to invade your
homeland... Oh!!.. what a tragedy!!

Clara sees that he is very upset. And she regrets having
revealed all this to him, she decides to make you understand
the risks and understand that is useless to make a journey
through time for this.

Emmett, listen to yourself. We would have to go back in time
to the 11th century in the middle of Viking invasion just to find
some documents. No thank you. It’s too perilous. Please,
let’s forget about all that and continue to live like we are now.
Are we not happy living like this?

Doc finally agrees with her.

As usual my dear, you are right... anyway, I would have to
modify the train, we can’t go to Scotland in the middle of the
11th century with a locomotive. How would we land? There are
no rails. And what of the prophet Jovianus, who claims that
everything will be better “after the great Cataclysm”. How
are we to know when that will happen?... He gives no date
or location... It’s so vague we have more luck of finding...
a needle in a haystack.


After having heard what his father said, Jules turns to Verne
and whispers in his ear.

You see Verne, the only problem with going back to the 11th
century is the type of machine. We must find an appropriate
machine from the Middle Age!

Verne the looks at NEWTON(Doc’s dog in 1895) who has just
slipped in between then and then Verne whispers to him in turn:

What do you think Newton?

Newton growls lowly(grrr...) and nods his head as if in


And then, looking at the “photo” of himself and Marty near the
town hall Clock in Hill Valley, Doc becomes nostalgic, and begins
to reminisce of the autumn “goings-on” with his best friend.

At the end of the month of October, the 31st... he would get
prepared for and go to the Halloween costume ball of Hill Valley
with myself and Jennifer... anyway when I was there. The next
weekend to unwind... and this is something I always found
amusing with him... even if he was THE ROCKER of his High
School. He would go down to Pampelo Bay down to an old
chalet that his uncle Jeffrey Baines would lend him year after
year that was near the edge of the sea. He sat there, no radio,
no telephone and watched the migrating birds and fauna all
around him. Finally because I was his best friend and had no
living relatives, he would invite me to pass “Thanksgiving” with
him and his family. Of course, I was always more than willing
to oblige... (fade out)


Meanwhile, while Doc is reminiscing in front of his photo, MARTY
in 1985 is having a nightmare after he has dozed off near the
sea-side while bird-watching. He is suddenly awakend by the noise
of a motor that sounds like a small aircraft propellor. This noise
scares a flock of nearby birds that all take flight at the same time.
As he is lying flat on his back he gets up and sits straight using
one hand. He then looks around him with eyes half open because
he is blinded by the sun.

What is that awful noise? Why did the birds fly off? It... sounds...
like a... small aircraft engine. I thought I had found a place
where I could get away from all the noise.

And suddenly stopping, he looks in front of him and sees
a hydrofoil, that is heading right for him, blowing its horn all
the meanwhile. Panicking, he jumps up and yells:

Shiiiitttt!!! He’s gonna kill me!!!


Panicking, he starts running backwards, stumbles over a
cooler, that was just behind him, he manages to get back up
and then starts to run and limp at the same time. After having
gone a few yards(meters) he hears the voice of the driver on
hydrofoil by way of a loudspeaker. (The loudspaker is similar
to one that the coast guard uses to talk to other ship) It’s
DOC 1985 dressed as “Christopher Colombus” with “a cape,
a hat, and a sword and scabbard”. That proclames in a loud
succint voice:

DOC 1985
Marty!!! Come back!!! It’s me!!!


Marty, recognizing Doc’s voice, stops dead in his tracks,
and relieved, turns slowly around with his usual air with any
similar circumstance, that is to say - still a little sceptical. Then,
seeing Doc waving his arm in all directions, suprised and still
a little dumbfounded he says:

Doc?... Doc? Is that really you?... what are you doing here on
a hydrofoil?

Doc turns off the motor of the hydrofoil, which is stil moving
towards land and then stops abruptly as it reaches shore, appox.
50 feet(15 meters) from Marty. He then gets down with a single
bound, and lands on shore. Doc then marches towards Marty.
Terrified he grabs Marty by both hands and says.

DOC 1985
Marty, we must leave right away!! The Vikings have arrived
on shore and will soon be here! Look over there(pointing) to
the left not far from the headlight! It’s their boat... a drakkar!

Marty looks at him confused - scratching his head - .
Thinking it to be a joke he answers sarcastically.

Come in Doc... that’s impossible! Everyone knows very well
the Viking disappeared nearly 1000 years ago. And for the...
drakkar... over there it must simply be a replica. There is
nothing done today we don’t know about. I don’t have to tell
you that, Doc. Tell me first... what are you doing in that
get-up? Is it your new Halloween costume?

Doc insisting exclames.

DOC 1985
Argh! Argh! Argh! I don’t have the time to explain everything.
Marty you’ve gotta believe me! The Vikings are right here,
right now! We must leave beforethey find us!

Just as Doc finishes, suddenly Marty hears som “barbarian
singing” and the voice of a young woman who is desperately
calling for help. It’s JENNIFER who the Viking have kidnapped
and bound. She cals repeatedly louder and louder.

Help!!!... Somebody please help me!!!

Exhausted, hopeless, sobbing, she contines intermittently.

Please... I’m begging(weaker)... somebody please help me!!!

The Vikings want to cook her on a fire they just lit. They want
to stick her like a pig-on-a-stick, and then eat her(They were
canniballs). Marty who hears her voice exclames and looks
at Doc.

That's Jennifer Voice!

Doc then says in turn.

DOC 1985
The cries are coming from the woods back there, (pointing)
I believe? Look at the smoke! Quickly, let’s go!


They both run in the direction of the woods, guided by the long
trail of smoke which wifts in the air. At the same time that they
arrive THE VIKINGS are already settling down to eat, drink and
feast. And there, behing the undergrowth they see Jennifer on
her knees, hands and feet bound head on a tree stump. A
Viking with a red beard and red hair, FIRE BEARD, is preparing
to behead her with an enormous axe. Witness to this horrible
spectacle, Marty can no longer contain himself and cries out in
a voice that would chill your soul.



Saturday 31st October 1985. The clock at the bedside says
9:53am. Marty is having a nightmare, he is thrashing around
violently in his bed. His head, arms and body are fighting
violently, turning, and twisting from left to right. He is now at
the point of waking up.


He is caught is in bedclothes, and he rolls of the bed, knocking
his head against the nigthstands. He wakes up and rubs the
wound on the side of his head and says slowly, grimacing
from pain.

Man!... what a nightmare!


Slowly, he gets up and walks toward his bedroom door. It’s
Halloween. His family is already up. They heard a lot of noise
coming from his bedroom. They are getting ready to suprise
him, and are waitng feverishly outside his door. They are
disguised in their Halloween costumes. His father - GEORGE -
disguised as a musketeer, his mother - LORRAINE - as a
shepherd, his brother - DAVE - as a court jester, his sister
- LINDA - as a witch, and finally BIFF Tannen , the family
valet - consequence or result of his journey back to 1955, is
disguised as the hunchbak of Notre-Dame. When Marty opens
his door, and unexpectedly finds this “medieval array” believes
for a moment, that he is still in his nightmare, so when he
opens his door and screams.



With lightning speed he runs back into his room, slams the
door, locks it, then still screaming yells.

Get out!!! Get out of my life!!! Get out of my house!!!
Leave me alone!!!


Breathless, on his last nerve, he stops and hears the voice of
his father GEORGE who is knocking on his door and saying

Marty, come on it’s us, your family! (he stops knocking).
What’s the matter? We heard thumping? Did you hurt yourself?

As he does not answer, the others try each in turn, starting
with his mother LORRAINE.

Hey, dear! Did you forget that it was Halloween today?

We just wanted to give you a surprise... looked like it worked!

Hey Marty, you ate too much at Burger King last night before
getting to sleep, that’s what happened, eh, and you had one
heck of a nightmare. Anyway, I’m not all that scary.

Mis’ Jennifer will soon be here!... and we’re all gonna have
fun tonight, right Marty!


With that said, Marty with his back still against the door,
and eyes tightly closed, slowly opens one eye, then the other,
turns and looks the calendar hanging on his bedroom door
and sees that it is Halloween, and he is no longer in his
nightmare. He unlocks his door, opens it, looks at everyone
and says repentant.


o.k. I know, I’m sorry, I had a “terrible nightmare” that Vikings
had captured Jennifer. And I woke up screaming jast as one of
them was about to behead her with an enormous axe, so they
could put her on a spit, cook her, then eat her. I fell off my bed
and hit my head against the nightstand. When I saw you guys,
when I opened the door, all dressed in medieval disguises,
I thought I was still dreaming.

Just as Marty finishes, (everyone still suprised by what he said)
the doorbell rings. BIFF performing his duty as a servant(as a
repentant idiot) breaks the almost religious silence heads
towards the door.

(to all) Stay put! Don’t worry about it! I’ll get it!


Arriving at the door, he opens it. It’s Jennifer Parker dressed
as a countess. When Biff see her, he stands as if amazed.

(to Marty) Oh, it’s miss Jennifer, Marty. (to all) Come
and look, she looks super!

Everyone heads towards the door to see her. Marty leading
the way. Taken aback by her beautiful countess’s dress with
a lovely wig. All the family admires her, Jennifer smiles at
Marty, fan in one hand, umbrella in the other, Marty
exclames as if in ecstasy.

WOOOW!!... You look beautiful in that dress Jennifer...!

Ravished and glowing with joy, JENNIFER wishes to prolong
this short “savoury” moment and asks him in an “aristocratic”

Does thou wish to be my escort... or rather my gentleman
knight for the glorious ball tonight “Master McFly!”.

Marty, flattered plays the game by acting the gentleman. He
takes her hand, bends down on one knee and declares - as
if he were preposing.

If thou wouldst have me, lady countess...

And looking up he turns towards Biff, with a mean little
smile(because he knows Biff is the family valet and must do
everything they ask of him).

Biff, my good squire could you find me a carriage with white
horses for the fair “Cinderella”... to about midnight... to the
ball... I wish to escort Jennifer there.

Biff begins to hesitate.

Oh!... uhm... I don’t know if I can find that for tonight, Marty?

George, who was completely behing the group amassed at
the door, retakes control(exactly like BTTF 1).

No Biff! They don’t makes carriages anymore. Here, take my
credit card (giving him his card).This is for the expenses
tonight. O.K. Biff!

Biff leaves to prepare immediately(still acting like the
repentant fool as in BTTF 1), he leaves saying.

Got it Mr. McFly, I’ll take care of everything. I’ll get it done
right away.

And turning back towards her, Marty continues by offering to
visit Doc’s house... to reminisce. and to assure himself that his
nightmare is over. His family gives them a moment of privacy,
he takes her hand and asks her.

(to Jennifer) Well... what do you say we go out together...
maybe get a drink? fries? maybe a Sunday? Then we can head
on down to Doc’s house... even if he’s no longer there. I’d really
like to... you know to remember the good old times. I’ll drive
you home after. Whaddya say?

Jennifer answers him delighted by the idea, but reminding him
of their “Halloween Ball” rendez-vous.(She says this because
she half-expects Doc to appear and take Marty on another
wild adventure).

O.K., but promise me we won’t stay too long... we have a
date tonight Marty!

Marty answers, already on his way.

Great! Let’s go!

They each get in their own side of Marty’s “PICK UP 4X4
SR5 XTRA-CAB TOYOTA 1984” and leave.

21. EXT. DR. BROWN’S HOUSE « 1985 »

After they get their drinks they arrive at “Doc’s house - 1646
Riverside street”. He and Jennifer get down, drinks in hand.
After their short visit to a local “Snack-Bar”, in order to satisfy
Marty’s overwhelming curiosity(since his nightmare), they
head towards the house. Marty checks one side of the house,
then the other, outpacing Jennifer, who due to her high heels,
aristocratic dress which she must constanly lift to be able to
walk, find the tour more difficult. Jennifer is still sucking on
her “Milk Shake” straw. Marty stops on the corner(on the
“Burger King” side). She says.

(looking around) You see Marty... nothing’s changed.

They stop at a “hangar” or some kind of “annex” between
the house and Doc’s workshop that they never notice until
now. Drawn by the words “PAINT SHOP” that are written on
the door, he murmurs aloud with Jennifer following
him closely now.

(reading slowly) PAINT... SHOP...?

Continuing, but astonished and curious, he says to Jennifer
who is content to follow him without asking any questions.

That’s weird, I never noticed this part of the house
before... (advancing)


Arriving finally at the door, he tries to open it but finds it
locked. Being that there is no window they look around until
they find a “window”. Getting up on tip-toe, and tring to peer
through the dirty glass he looks inside. Jennifer copies him
and looks over his shoulder. Through the “twilight” they see
a nearly- assembled vehicle which almost resembles a
“hydrofoil” (in reality it is a “aerohydrofoil”) as Doc will reveal
further on. At this time however, because it is not completely
assembled Marty believes it to be a “hydrofoil”, similar to the
one in his nightmare. He shields his eyes and describes it
to Jennifer.

Do you see that!.. it looks like an all terrain vehicle... with an
elongated Delorean body mounted on an air cushion... looks
like Doc didn’t finish it?... There’s something written on the
side of the body(reading) “DMC... EXPLORER IV ”. Well,
then there’s no doubt it’s a Delo!... (murmuring) It’s look’s
a lot like the one in my nightmare last night.

Meanwhile, Jennifer is standing behind him, not saying a word,
with her head on his shoulder, content to listen to him. She
decides to remind him of his evening plans, seeing that he is
becoming captivated by Doc’s inventions, and she doesn’t
want Marty going off on another one of Doc’s crazy

Hey, Marty, did you forget about our date tonight!

Marty answers. Trying to reassure her(inside, he believes his
nightmare will cometrue, but he doesn’t what to show his
worry to Jennifer).

No, I haven’t forgotten. And nothing’s changed Jennifer.
Don’t worry. We’ll be at the dance as promised.

He slowly approaches closer to her while looking right into
her eyes and says seductively, and very “romanticly”.

And we’re going to enjoy ourselves...!

Then he tenderly kisses her.


Jennifer, still captivated by the kiss, answers in turn, in
a sensuel tone.


He then takes her by the hand, and says as if to show her
how important she is to him.

I’ll take you home now. We’ll see each other later on tonight!

Marty drive her home and then drives himself home.


Back in his room, he gently closes his door and stops to
look and his souvenir photo(the one that he and Doc took
next to the big clock in Hill Valley in 1885 and that Doc gave
to him just before leaving for the far west in BTTF 3). He
then takes the “photoframe” on top of his dresser and
becomes nostalgic - just like Doc in 1895 was previously.

I wonder what he’s doing right now... (talking about Doc
living in the far west).

Looking at the photo closer, he realizes the cardboard
holding the photo in back is not very solid. He turns the
frame around to try to find the problem and discovers that
there is something written on the back on the top right. He

Well! Well! What do we have here. There is something
written... (reading) “We’ll see each other again. Your
friend in time always... Doc E.L.B.” Hmmm! maybe
everything that happened today is a sign of things to come.
Maybe something... very important...!

With this last phrase said, Marty stands there, one hand on
his head, the other on the frame and thinks about all that
this signifies. (fade out)


Hill Valley 1895 - Doc, has been standing and staring and
his photo, while Clara was sitting in the living room. Clara
calls to him to “bring him back to earth”.

Emmett!.. are you all right?

Doc comes back down to earth and answers.

Wha... yes... yes... It’s just just that I was a little distracted...
the photo bought back some memories.

They stay there a while longer and then go to sleep.


It is 10:27am on the pendulum clock hanging in the classroom.
Clara is writing on the chalkboard and teaching when suddenly,
someone knocks at the door. She goes to open it. It is the
“Western Union” TELEGRAPH DELIVERY MAN who coldly says.

Are you Mrs. Emmett L. Brown?

Why, yes! It’s me! What is the meaning of bothering me in
the middle of my class?

With an imperative tone(wishing to leave quickly) he

A telegraph madam! It comes to you from Vriginia City. It is
from... (looking) Mrs. Wilmor Clayton. Please sign here.

She signs the manifest. He then gives her the telegraph and
quickly leaves. Unexpected news. Clara slowly closes the
door. Jules and Verne look at her over their shoulders.
The class watches her quietly as she returns to her place.
She is visibly shaken by the telegraph.

(reading) “The baron John-Lee Cromwell has just arrived
in town. And after a violent dipute with your father on the rights,
titles and goods of castle Edinburg. He has tricked him into a
pistol duel in 10 days, not far from town, At the road crossing
“The 7 hangmen”. The outcome will be tragic... seeing that your
father is nearsighted(Clara pauses to think about this past
. He is so obstinate about being in this duel... I’m
sure it is a trap. You must come down, and convince him to
change his mind about this stupid duel!!! From: Mama Clayton”

Clara interrupts the class and lets the students leave early.
She then takes Jules and Verne by the hand without telling
them anything and leaves the school.


Clara runs and walks intermittently and briskly towards her
property, dragging along her two sons who have trouble
keeping up with her. Out of breath and full of bitterness, she
calls out to Doc with a loud voice.

Emmett!!!... Emmett!!!... Emmett!!!... He is going to kill
my father!!!

She stops momentarily to catch her breath and then

We must do something... quickly!!


Doc, who is reparing a “wind generator” in his hangar, stops
working and turns towards Clara. He is suprised to see her at
such an early hour and says.

Great Scott! what is going on here! Clara, back before
school is over... this must be serious??

He leaves the hangar.


Doc runs up to her, taking big steps as he goes. With his
tools in his hands and his workbelt on his back he arrives in
little time. Clara, now in a near-panick state is having
problems catching her breath. When they meet, she fall to
her knees, sobbing, and sputters out with difficulty.

He is going to kill my father!!... We must do something!...
He is... going... to father...!

Arriving next to her, Doc drops his tools that are still in his
hands and bends towards her, and asks in dismay and

Who... what... calm down, and explain yourself!! I can’t
understand a word you’re saying!!

After, he takes her by the shoulders and helps her up. Jules
and Verne, still dizzy from their mother’s mayday marathon,
and clueless to what is happening, attempt to shed some light
on the situation. Jules first, Verne next.

I don’t know what is the matter. After she read the telegram
she dismissed the whole class...

Verne follows in suit, saying excitedly.

...then she grabbed us by the hand and ran back here... just
like a runaway locomotive!... she didn’t stop for a second...
It’s too bad we didn’t have your stopwatch, father!... She
probably beat one of our records!

Clara gives Doc the telegram and says, anguished.

Read this Emmett, it’s awful!

But, this is insane!... We must stop this!... Quickly!(looking
at his watch!)
... It is 11:10am... The train to Virginia City
arrives at the Hill Valley stat exactly one hour!... Clara, pack
the bags!... Jules!... ready the horse!... As for you Verne,
don’t forget to give Newton something to eat before we leave.
As for me I need to pack some... personal affairs... Then we’re
off to the station to buy our tickets... Hurrynow, we haven’t a
second to lose!

Doc returns to Clara , and tries to reassure her from this
troubling possibility.

Please, Clara, stop crying. If necessary, I will take care of this
“John-Lee Cromwell” myself, because I know your father would
die from this duel, and this would afflict you greatly. You know
that I love you more than anything else in this world, and I
couldn’t bear to see you sad and unhappy. I swear I will do
everything in my power to stop that from happening, you have
my word!

The family do everything they were supposed to and arrive
at the train on time.



MLB :a38:
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
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Michel L Brown
Cousin de Chuck Berry
Posts: 1000
Inscription: 25 Aoû 2002, 04:19
Localisation: Hill Brook QC CANADA

Petite mise à jour de ma lettre de présentation BTTF4!

Postpar Michel L Brown » 07 Juil 2004, 16:13

Salut à tous et toutes!

La parution de l'article dans le magasine "Films Review" concernant
une éventuelle suite à la trilogie BTTF venant de la part de Bob Gale
ne fait pour moi, si l'article en question est bien fondé(du fait que
ce magasine au dire des fans américains eux-mêmes est reconnu
« comme pas trop crédible ») que confirmé malgré tout la
situation devant laquelle se trouve les deux Bob face un BTTF4,
et c'est ce dont il est bien question ici dans ce petit article, et non
pas autre chose comme une série télévisée "nouvelle génération",
bien qu'il soit plus que probable aussi qu'ils ruminent cette option
ou même la choisisse peut-être... parce que très avantageuse
à plusieurs points de vues pour les acteurs originaux(la
production d'un film étant plus épuisante)

Néanmoins, si la nouvelle se révèle et se confirme tout à fait fondée,
j'aurai au moins eu raison sur un point, le "NO BTTF PART IV sur les
T-Shirt" et le "THE END" à la fin de BTTF3 n'étaient donc en réalité
qu'un choix "in extremis" face à la maladie de MJF... en se disant
avec ça dans leurs "forts intérieurs" « On verra plus tard... si MJF
nous revient en santé...!? »

Par-contre, si elle se révélait complètement fausse, ça ne voudra
pas dire non plus qu'il n'y a plus désormais "aucun espoir" pour un
BTTF4. D'autant plus que de mon côté "je n'ai jamais eu jusqu'ici
dans ma correspondance avec l'Agence de Robert Zemeckis une
réponse claire m'enjoignant de ne plus espérer d'aucunes manières
une éventuelle suite à la trillogie". D'ailleurs, Bob Gale s'est toujours
bien gardé de dire la chose de cette façon en disant plutôt « Que la
porte n'est pas nécessairement fermée à un BTTF4 » (pourquoi
avoir dit "NO BTTF PART IV" avec les T-Shirts? curieux ça?)

Donc pour l'instant, pour moi l'espoir demeure. Je continuerai
de soumettre mon projet de scénario BTTF4. J'ai fait une petite
mise à jour de ma lettre de présentation aux producteurs. C'est
juste "une autre opportunité" que j'offre(ça ne veut pas dire que
la chose ne peux pas resté non plus ce que j'ai toujours
préconisé, un BTTF4 avec la possibilité d'un BTTF5...!?).

J'ai mis ce que j'ai rajouté en caractère gras(en français
comme en anglais) pour que vous pouvez mieux vous y

Et si, je dis bien si... si mon projet de scénario BTTF4 s'avère
irréalisable d'ici un an tout au plus... alors j'opterai pour un
roman-fiction à saveur BTTF avec mes propres idées et noms.
Plus aucune complication sur le plan légal, puisque je détiendrai
les droits d'auteurs de mon histoire originale. Ce serait pour le
moins "un beau clin d'oeil" à la trilogie BTTF, je ne vous en dis
pas plus long.


À qui de droit,

Je suis heureux de vous apprendre qu’une suite, sous forme
de scénario original à la Trilogie Back to the Future s’intitulant,
Back to the Future, Part IV est écrite et existe réellement. Il est
donc possible et réalisable de le produire en film.

Permettez-moi de vous dire, que j’ai mis plus de cinq ans à
élaborer un tel scénario qui, je le crois sincèrement, saura
non seulement calmer les attentes pressantes des fans de
cette sublime Trilogie, mais ravir encore une fois de plus, un
immense public de tous âges.

Pour cela, et dans ma recherche afin d’en sauvegarder
l’esprit et la continuité, j’y apporte une nouvelle dimension:
un futur régressif en 2135 - une sorte de Moyen Âge en
Amérique à l’emplacement même où était jadis Hill Valley &
Hill Dale devenus “après un gigantesque Cataclysme”
- HILL BROOK, et où y vivraient une nouvelle civilisation
hybride Californienne ayant toujours ses descendants
généalogiques McFly, Tannen, et Strickland.

Ainsi, pour ne vous en livrez qu’un bref aperçu, voici ce
qui constitue “l’axe central” autour duquel tournera toute

PRÉMICE: Le Dr. Emmett L. Brown (Doc), maréchal-ferrant
en 1895, pour sauver son beau-père Wilmor Clayton d’une
mort certaine dans un duel avec son éternel rival, le baron
John-Lee Cromwell, s’interpose cette-fois dans une histoire de
famille, et entreprend de récupérer un manuscrit (un testament
olographe) perdu dans la nuit des temps qui peut seul, objet
dès lors d’une forfaiture de la part des Cromwell et donc, d’une
infamie pesant sur les Clayton depuis le XIème siècle, réhabiliter
Wilmor dans tous ses droits et empêcher le pire de se produire.
Pour cela, le savant relativiste n’hésite pas à remonter le temps
en 1985 et part, à bord d’un tout nouveau véhicule “une
DeLorean convertie en aérohydroglisseur” avec son meilleur
ami, Marty, ainsi que de ses deux fils Jules et Verne, dans un
hardu périple spatio-temporel à HILL BROOK (un futur régressif),
en 2135.

Comme vous pouvez le voir, ce scénario offre beaucoup de
flexibilité aux acteurs originaux de cette Trilogie (plus agées
maintenant) car en démarrant l’histoire en 1895, cela permet,
en y introduisant Jules et Verne Brown qui seraient cette-fois
présents tout au long de ce quatrième épisode, de ménager en
quelque sorte ceux qui, tout en dominant toujours dans cette
optique, détiendraient les deux rôles principaux: celui de
Marty McFly(Michael J. Fox); et l’autre du, Dr. Emmett
L. Brown(Christopher Lloyd).

Il est également possible d’y faire une apparition progressive
de l’acteur Michael J. Fox avec ce scénario, en le séparant en
trois films: Back to the Future, Part IV, V, et VI.

Je possède deux plans de ce scénario original, Back to the
Future, Part IV sous Copyright. Le plan ( A ) 297 pages et
le plan ( B ) 278 pages. Mais la version futur régressif
- HILL BROOK 2135 - représente sans contredit, la
meilleur de toute!

De plus, avec tous les acteurs existants déjà et d’autres qui
s’y ajouteraient, ce quatrième volet à la Trilogie n’a pas
seulement les chances d’être bon et moyen, mais surpasserait
tout ce qui a pu être réalisé en terme de “suites de films” au
cours de la dernière décennie.

J’ai donc, aussi incroyable que cela puisse paraître,
réussi à reprogrammer le convecteur-temporel:
»»»»»»»»»»»» 1895! »»»»»»»»»»»» 1985! »»»»»»»»»»»» 2135!

Aussi, à partir de ce moment, je suis tout disposé à vous montrer
ce scénario original que j’ai longuement élaboré. La chose est
tellement bien réussie, que dès que nous aurons complété la
traduction de cette toute dernière nouvelle version futur régressif
BTTF Part IV- HILL BROOK 2135 - nous vous en ferons parvenir
un exemplaire. D’ici là, dans l’attente d’une réponse de votre part
et des diverses possibilités pouvant s’offrir quant à sa réalisation,
nous demeurons confiants dans la perscpective d’un tel évènement “FUTUR”.

Merci de votre attention.


Michel Labbé, scriptwriter
3432, rue Blondin
St-Hyacinthe QC
J2S 8X9

Fax: (450) 774-3648


To whom it may concern,

I am delighted to inform you that a sequel to the Back to the
Future Trilogy, in the form of an original screenplay has been
written and is presently available. Production of Back to the
Future, Part IV could get underway almost immediately.

I would like you to know that I have invested more than five
years developing an original scenario which will not only satisfy
the cravings of the Trilogy fans, but which will also
enthrall a vast new audience of all ages.

My scenario respects the spirit and continuity of the Trilogy while
adding a new dimension to the present storyline: an alternate
future in 2135. The story begins after an enormous disaster has
occured where Hill Valley & Hill Dale used to be. This area is now
known as HILL BROOK where there lives a Californian community
that has the Mcfly, Tannen and Strickland families in common

Here is a short and partial overview:
In 1895, Dr. Emmett L. Brown (Doc), now a blacksmith, in order
to save his father-in-law, Wilmor Clayton (Clara’s father) from
certain death in a duel with his arch-rival, Baron John-Lee
Cromwell, and knowing, at the same time, that such a death
would make his beloved Clara unhappy forever, allows himself
to get drawn into a family adventure. He sets out to find and
recover the original manuscript that could prove a fraudulent
claim of the Cromwell family, whose reprocussions the Clayton
family has endured since the 11th century. A claim, that if
proven will restore rightfully Wilmor as the principle inheritor
of the claim, and stop the worst from happening. In order to
achieve this end Doc has to travel back in time to 1985, and,
from there, embarks on a new adventure using a brand
new time-space vessel: a DeLorean converted into a
hydrogen-fueled vehicule. This Airohydrofoil, allows him to
travel along with his best friend, Marty, and his two sons,
Jules and Verne to the alternate future in HILL BROOK.

As you can see this scenario offers a lot of flexibility for the
original actors,(who are somewhat older now) because the
story starts in 1895, which also permits us to introduce Jules
and Verne Brown. These two supporting characters will be
an important compliment to Marty McFly(Michael J. Fox) and
Dr. Emmet L. Brown (Christopher Lloyd).

It is also possible to have Michael J. Fox perform a
progressive acting role with this scenario by separating it into
three films: Back to the Future, Part IV, V, and VI.

I have written two versions (both copyrighted) of the original
scenario for Back to the Future, Part IV: version A (297 pages)
and version B (278 pages). However, the version which
involves the alternate future - HILL BROOK 2135 - is without
doubt, the most thrilling of them all !!!

If we can again use the actors who created the roles, adding
others as required, this fourth film in the series not only has
excellent chances to equal other film sequels which have been
made over the course of the last decade; it will easily surpass

So, there you go. Believe it or not, I have reprogammed the
temporal convector from 1895 to 1985 to 2135!

I am willing to show you this original screenplay which I
have painstakingly put together. I am confident that once
you begin reading the (presently,almost completed)
translation of this last version - HILL BROOK 2135 - you will
be unable to put it down!!

Thank you for your attention.
I look foward to hearing from you in the“Future”.


Michel Labbé, scriptwriter
3432, rue Blondin
St-Hyacinthe, Québec, CANADA
J2S 8X9

Fax: (450) 774-3648


See you in the future,

MLB :delo:
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Michel L Brown
Cousin de Chuck Berry
Posts: 1000
Inscription: 25 Aoû 2002, 04:19
Localisation: Hill Brook QC CANADA

BTTF 4 : une version abrégée bien sûr lol :)))

Postpar Michel L Brown » 18 Juil 2004, 19:19

Je possède deux versions de mon scénario original BTTF 4,
autrement dit, deux façons fondamentales de faire la chose.
La première, le Moyen Âge en 1015(le vrai!) - la deuxième,
Hill Brook 2135 un futur régressif ou ne sorte de Moyen Âge
en Amérique. Avec 5 options plus courtes ou plus longues
pour chacune de ces 2 versions et tout aussi bonnes l'une
que l'autre selon ce qu'on veux produire 1 film, 2 films, et
même une seconde trilogie de 3 films. Cela vient du fait
que le fameux cauchemar que fait Marty en 1985 est
réversible, et est par conséquent "la clé" de
tout le scénario.

Un BTTF 4 avec mon scénario peux très bien démarrer
en 1985 que je tiens à préciser.
J'aurai sans doute
l'occasion de le démontrer prochainement...

MLB :a38:
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Michel L Brown
Cousin de Chuck Berry
Posts: 1000
Inscription: 25 Aoû 2002, 04:19
Localisation: Hill Brook QC CANADA

Postpar Fred Mc Fly » 20 Juil 2004, 22:29

On peut le lire où ton scénario Michel ? Je suis curieux :marty:

Fred Mc Fly
En stage chez les Starlighters
Posts: 116
Inscription: 13 Fév 2004, 19:10

Je pourrais le publier en livre mais...

Postpar Michel L Brown » 23 Juil 2004, 14:55

Ça'm fait plaisir de savoir que la chose t'intéresse, et que tu
aimerais en lire davantage, et tu n'es pas le seul...!
(des fans américains me le font savoir aussi par e-mail) :cool:

Pour cela, j'aimerais bien (peut-être...!?) le publier au moins
sous forme de livre. Malheureusement, pour en faire la
publication, ça me prend l'autorisation d'UNIVERSAL Studios.

Néanmoins, face à cette situation traînante, je compte bien
faire quelque chose d'ici peu pouvant faire avancer la
cause BTTF 4. :frimeur:

M L Brown ne restera pas les bras croisés Nom de Zeus!

Viens de temps en temps sur le site de Manu dans cette
rubrique pour te tenir au courant des derniers
développements. :a38:

Ton ami dans le temps,

MLB :delo:
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Michel L Brown
Cousin de Chuck Berry
Posts: 1000
Inscription: 25 Aoû 2002, 04:19
Localisation: Hill Brook QC CANADA

BTTF part IV fanfiction loooooollllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!

Postpar Michel L Brown » 23 Juil 2004, 21:05

J'ai un compétiteur!

J'sais pas si vous avez déjà entendu c'truc??? :a08:

Écoutez-ça même si c'est en anglais!

LOL...! :a15:

Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Michel L Brown
Cousin de Chuck Berry
Posts: 1000
Inscription: 25 Aoû 2002, 04:19
Localisation: Hill Brook QC CANADA

Beurkkk BBTF4

Postpar Biff_Tannen » 11 Aoû 2004, 12:31

arg mais ils craignent eux, trop ptdr, ils ont voulu faire un mélange de BTTF, Dumb and dumber et mec elle est ou ma caisse? :d04: En tout cas Michel, si ils cherchent à te concurrencer, je pense que tu peux te faire grave du souci en ce qui concerne la possibilité de voir ton scénar un jour adapté à l'écran! En effet, je pense qu'universal serait capable de faire BTTF new generation pour les nouveau teenagers en faisant une comédie à la american pie dans le futur :d07:
Je suis de retour du futur....
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Inscription: 10 Aoû 2004, 20:00

Postpar Manu R. McFly » 24 Avr 2005, 20:55

Ca y est, Michel a les droits d'auteurs, et par la même occasion la couverture de son futur livre. Voilà ce que ca donne :

- Couverture "Le boomerang du temps"

- Les droits d'auteurs

Ca se précise Michel, n'est-ce pas ! :marty:
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Manu R. McFly
Maire de Hill Valley
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Inscription: 23 Aoû 2002, 01:42

Postpar Continuum » 24 Avr 2005, 21:15

Sobre et efficace la couverture.
continuum espace-temps : espace à quatre dimensions avec pour quatrième dimension le temps.
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Postpar Nights » 24 Avr 2005, 21:18

Je le veux !!! :a19: :a19: :a19:
Félicitations Michel ! :a38:
BTTF :: Pixar fan
"Mon premier film était si mauvais qu'aux Etats-Unis, dans sept États, on l'utilise pour remplacer la peine de mort" - Woody Allen
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Postpar Michel L Brown » 24 Avr 2005, 21:49

Merci Manu! :cool:

Ça l'augure bien. Le distributeur Édipresse est emballé par mon récit
m'a confié mon éditeur. Je vous fait donc part des textes qui se retrouveront à l'endos du livre.


Originaire de la Beauce, issu d’une famille de raconteur, passionné d’histoire et de géographie, admirateur invétéré de Jules Verne, Michel Labbé, profitant d’un ralentissement des activités de l’entreprise pour laquelle il travaillait comme opérateur de presse à imprimer, décide de mettre sur papier à partir de son propre encrier comme travailleur autonome avec seul baccalauréat “la puissance de son pouvoir créatif” un roman fiction, le premier même sur le thème spécifique du Voyage dans le Temps écrit par un auteur Québécois dans une langue française internationale agréable à lire et compréhensible pour toute la francophonie.


Le Dr. Evans F. Düger(« Doug ») alors qu’il ne faisait que s’élancer sur les rails d’une ancienne ligne de chemin de fer à bord de son « Boomerang » en compagnie de son chien Galileo, fait la découverte d’un Portail du Temps appelé « trou de ver ». Décidé à intervenir dans le temps à la faveur du père de son jeune ami, Handy McGowan, victime d’un sale coup monté par son rival de classe, Stiff Tyken, ayant eu une funeste conséquence sur tout son avenir, repart ensuite et réalise son plus grand rêve de rencontrer Thomas Edison. Prisonnier du temps à la suite d’un accident à cette époque effervescente de la fin du XIXe siècle, il épouse la jolie biochimiste Cybril Baxton. Mais lorsqu’il apprend que le père de celle-ci, Wilmor, a accepté une confrontation en duel avec le baron anglais John-Lee Cromwell dans lequel la mort sera inévitable pour lui, il s’interpose et entreprend de récupérer un manuscrit détruit lors d’une invasion Vikings en Écosse au XIe siècle qui peut seul, objet dès lors d’une forfaiture de la part des Cromwell et donc, d’une infamie pesant sur les Baxton depuis tout ce temps, le réhabiliter dans tous ses droits et empêcher le pire de se produire. Seulement à partir de là le savant apprendra bien malgré lui que les voyages dans le temps sont comme des retours de flammes dans un incendie… et qu’ils peuvent parfois nous surprendre…


Bien entendu il y a d'autres surprises à l'intérieur...

Tyke = "vilain chien" Hum... ça ne vous rappelle qqun...!?! :d02:

Votre ami dans le temps,

MLB :a38:
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Michel L Brown
Cousin de Chuck Berry
Posts: 1000
Inscription: 25 Aoû 2002, 04:19
Localisation: Hill Brook QC CANADA

Postpar Manu R. McFly » 24 Avr 2005, 21:59

Stiff, pas mal ! :marty:

Vivement la sortie de ce bouquin, ca donne vraiment envie de le lire !!!!!
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Manu R. McFly
Maire de Hill Valley
Posts: 12582
Inscription: 23 Aoû 2002, 01:42

Postpar Continuum » 25 Avr 2005, 07:18

Génial les noms de personnages, on reconnaît bien les personnage de la trilogie quand on sait ce qu'il faut trouver ;-)
continuum espace-temps : espace à quatre dimensions avec pour quatrième dimension le temps.
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Cousin de Chuck Berry
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Le "YES" pour un BTTF Part IV sur le site BTTF.COM

Postpar Michel L Brown » 11 Mai 2005, 22:10

Le "YES" pour une suite à notre trilogie maintient de plus en plus je trouve son avance sur le site Américain (comme ici d'ailleurs).
On s'accroche, on s'accroche! :cool:

Mais j'crois que mon topic annonçant la publication de mon roman fiction
sous le titre "Boomerangtime" les a un peu pris par surprise... :a08:

Votre ami dans le temps,

MLB :a38:
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
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Michel L Brown
Cousin de Chuck Berry
Posts: 1000
Inscription: 25 Aoû 2002, 04:19
Localisation: Hill Brook QC CANADA

Postpar Manu R. McFly » 12 Mai 2005, 12:39

Désolé de te contredire Michel, mais le OUI à un RVLF 4 perd du terrain sur ce forum ! (j'ai l'impression de faire campagne pr la constitution EU ! :a12: )
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Manu R. McFly
Maire de Hill Valley
Posts: 12582
Inscription: 23 Aoû 2002, 01:42

P'tre que c à cause que les OUI sont moins gênés qu'avant...

Postpar Michel L Brown » 12 Mai 2005, 17:36

P'tre... c vrai que ça faisait un sacré bout que je ne n'avais pas posté sur leur tableau, ou que c'est à cause des OUI qui s'expriment davantage qu'avant que j'ai eu cette impression. Chose certaine, la dernière fois j'avais rencontré beaucoup plus d'opposition de la part des NON...! :mrgreen:

Le OUI fait quand même très bonne figure. :a07:

(Nous ici ce ne sera pas la Constitution EU qui nous occupera mais une autre élection du gouvernement suite à la baffe qu'à reçu avant hier les libéraux de Paul Martin de la part de la droite de Stephen Harper du parti Conservateur et de Gilles Duceppe du Bloc Québécois unis comme jamais pour le renverser :-))) :d02:

MLB :a38: :delo:
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Michel L Brown
Cousin de Chuck Berry
Posts: 1000
Inscription: 25 Aoû 2002, 04:19
Localisation: Hill Brook QC CANADA

Arguments de vente du distributeur Édipresse

Postpar Michel L Brown » 12 Mai 2005, 23:24


Argument no. 1 :

Première forme crédible d’un récit de voyage dans l’Espace-Temps à bord d’un véhicule basé sur la théorie relativiste de « trous de ver » existant dans l’univers. (Ex. « The Time Machine » de l’auteur H. G. Wells ne se déplaçait que dans le temps au même endroit.)

Argument no. 2 :

Sujet de fiction traité par l’auteur avec originalité, bon goût et simplicité dans une langue française agréable à lire et compréhensible pour tous les pays francophones. Récit de l’auteur déjà très attendu en Europe.

Argument no. 3 :

Premier récit de fiction par un auteur Québécois abordant le thème spécifique du « Voyage dans l’Espace-Temps » et l’ayant développé dans un cadre géographique et historique des États-Unis d’Amérique. Traduction acquise pour les pays anglophones.

Argument no. 4 :

Histoire originale captivante et époustouflante. Imagination et créativité de l’auteur qui surprend avec tous ces personnages créés. Beauté des époques rock’n roll de 1962, de la fin du XIXe siècle et du Moyen Âge en Écosse lors d’une invasion Vikings au début du premier millénaire en 1015. Récit touchant l’aspect médiévale très recherché actuellement.

C'est donc ce que fera prévaloir le distributeur auprès des libraires.

Je vous tiens au courant des prochains développements.

À + dans le temps,

MLB :a38:
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
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Michel L Brown
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Re: Arguments de vente du distributeur Édipresse

Postpar Nights » 12 Mai 2005, 23:45

Michel L Brown a écrit:Récit de l’auteur déjà très attendu en Europe.

Je veux mon exemplaire ! :mrgreen: :a19:
BTTF :: Pixar fan
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Re: Arguments de vente du distributeur Édipresse

Postpar Michel L Brown » 13 Mai 2005, 00:37

Nights a écrit:
Michel L Brown a écrit:Récit de l’auteur déjà très attendu en Europe.

Je veux mon exemplaire ! :mrgreen: :a19:

Crois-moi Nights que je ferai tout en pouvoir pour qu'il se rende le plus tôt possible en Europe, foi de backer! :a07:

Et si la chose devait retarder, je te compte parmi mes exemplaires réservés. :a38:

Parce que pour te donner un aperçu de ce qui se profile à l'horizon du
côté Sud, un fan américain sur le site viens de lancer,
à la suite de mon topic sur mon roman fiction "Boomerangtime", cette
phrase qui en dit long je crois sur l'attente d'un récit qui serait du
même coup, un beau clin d'oeil à la trilogie BTTF:

Biff Tannen 81
"Anything that keeps BTTF alive I am for!" (Quoique ce soit qui tient BTTF vivant j'suis pour!)

Ton ami dans le temps,

MLB :delo:
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
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Michel L Brown
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Inscription: 25 Aoû 2002, 04:19
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Postpar Manu R. McFly » 13 Mai 2005, 13:05

En tout cas bravo pour les arguments de vente ! Rien qu'à les lire, j'ai envie de l'avoir tout de suite ! :a19:
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Manu R. McFly
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Postpar DMC-12 » 02 Juil 2005, 05:19

DMC-12 a écrit:So by next year this time (January 2005) do you think that we will know that we will see signs of a BTTF Part IV coming out? Maybe a special website or information about the upcoming BTTF Part IV on the web?

Michel L Brown a écrit:Sincerely, yes!

Animated or real actors... I don't know!?!

Hi, DMC 12.

MLB :a38:

It is now July of 2005. Was I right that there wouldn't be a BTTF Part Iv made by you? Are there any updates to your BTTF Part IV? I would like to know.


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Postpar Michel L Brown » 02 Juil 2005, 14:48

DMC-12 a écrit:
DMC-12 a écrit:So by next year this time (January 2005) do you think that we will know that we will see signs of a BTTF Part IV coming out? Maybe a special website or information about the upcoming BTTF Part IV on the web?

Michel L Brown a écrit:Sincerely, yes!

Animated or real actors... I don't know!?!

Hi, DMC 12.

MLB :a38:

It is now July of 2005. Was I right that there wouldn't be a BTTF Part Iv made by you? Are there any updates to your BTTF Part IV? I would like to know.



I had also said that if there were not possibility with my scenario BTTF Part IV, I would make a fiction novel "a another history of travel in time". The title is, BOOMERANG TIME, a beautiful wink to the trilogy BTTF. This project will be carried out now :a38: . I'm not locked in time :a07: .

Read this:



A contract has been signed between myself and the editor "La Plume d'Oie Édition-Concept" for the publication of my fiction novel "Le Boomerang du temps". The date for the release of my novel is set for the 30th of August 2005.

In this agreement, I will keep my rights granted to me as an author. The only condition required by the editor are to take part in the sale of my book and to be present at the "Salon du livre de Montréal " for book signatures. A part of the profits from this first printing will go to the distributor for the principle sales points in the bookstores of Quebec and Europe, namely in the french speaking countries. The other part of the profits will be mine. I can arrange for a certain number of copies that I can sell tax-free, due to the fact that I would be considered as an autonomous worker.The book will be in a format 6in. x 9in. (15.24cm x 22.86cm) and will be 284 pages long. The price is fixed at $21.95 CAN. (€13.95 for Europe) This price does not include the shipping and handling charges, if any.

An english version for the USA, Great Britain and Australia, under the title of « Boomerangtime » will not likely be available until 2006. The English version will be done by a friend of mine, Adrian Mole.

The committe that evaluated my novel awarded me a 9 out of 10 for my originality, therefore the outlook for success is very optimistic.

I would recommend that you reserve your copy early. Here is how you can contact me:

Michel Labbé
805, boul. Casavant Est, App. 4
St-Hyacinthe Qc
J2S 7N6

Tel: (450) 774-6085 (for international calls 1.450.774.6085)
Fax: (450) 774-3648 (................................ 1.450.774.3648)

Internet :

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to hearing from you.

P.S. If you wish to contact me by phone, it would be easier during the week-end.

Michel Labbé


See you in the future...! :delo: :c13: :a25: :c19: :a01:

Dernière édition par Michel L Brown le 27 Jan 2006, 20:49, édité 3 fois.
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
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Michel L Brown
Cousin de Chuck Berry
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Inscription: 25 Aoû 2002, 04:19
Localisation: Hill Brook QC CANADA

Postpar Michel L Brown » 02 Juil 2005, 15:58

Also, I specified this on BTTF.COM:

Re: Back To The Future 4


Originally Posted by No Roads...
There have been multiple topics about this, but don't worry, your new.

Part4/5/6/etc. are dead right now. But if you want to know a bunch of stuff that happened in the past that could have been leading up to a sequel, I reccomend you visit

Welcome to the Boards!


In a correspondence that I had with Carine Sage(Robert Zemeckis Agent’s) NEVER it was not mentioned and confirmed, NO BTTF Part IV - NO ROADS!

The letter said, and I quote :

« To the extent that any projects are generated which contain elements similar to what you submitted, the similarities are purely coincidental. »
(Tr:"Dans la mesure où tous les projets qui sont produits contiennent des éléments semblables à ce que vous avez soumis, les similitudes sont purement coïncidentes." JAMAIS dans toutes les correspondances que j'ai eu avec les producteurs ou les agences qui les représentent il n'a été CONFIRMÉ qu'il n'y aurait pas une suite à la trilogie RVLF ou que tout est bel et bien THE END... pourquoi, le futur nous le dira peut-être...!?! )

« Thank you for considering Mr. Zemeckis. We wish you much luck in your endeavors. » (Tr: "Merci pour votre considération envers M. Zemeckis. Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de chance dans vos efforts. ")



Submissions Department

cc : Carine Sage

Why say that if the trilogy is, THE END ???... It should have said, sir, the trilogy is complete, it will not have there a sequel.

Nevertheless, I wrote a fiction novel. The tittle is « BOOMERANGTIME » (a wink to the trilogy BTTF ;-) The date of publication is scheduled for august 30, 2005.

You recall…



But you're good, Marty, you're really good. And this audition tape of yours is great, you gotta send it in to the record company. It's like Doc's always saying.

Yeah I know, If you put your mind to it you could accomplish anything.


I keep hope.

I announce you that the vote for BTTF Part IV on BTTF.COM today 05.07.02 is,

YES: 74%

NO: 63%

MLB :a38: :a01:
Dernière édition par Michel L Brown le 02 Juil 2005, 17:16, édité 9 fois.
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
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Michel L Brown
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Postpar Michel L Brown » 02 Juil 2005, 16:47

I announce you that the vote for BTTF Part IV on BTTF.COM today 05.07.02 is,

YES: 74%

NO: 63%

Um... :roll:

YES: 74 (54.01%)

NO: 63 (45.99%)

MLB :mrgreen:
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
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Michel L Brown
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Postpar Michel L Brown » 04 Juil 2005, 20:03

Vibrant salut à tous les backers!

Je fais ce p’tit saut sur le forum pour vous dire que l’éditeur est, au moment où je vous adresse ce message, en pleine révision orthographique de mon roman, et que dès qu’il l’aura complété, me le soumettra pour une approbation finale. Après ce O.K . le projet franchira pour ainsi dire une étape que l’on peut qualifier « d’irréversible » selon l’entente d’un tel contrat.

Partant de là, je pourrai alors planifier un lancement de mon livre(dans ma région vraisemblablement, et ça va de soi).

Il y aura avec ça(toujours selon les termes de ce contrat) un communiqué de presse qui sera envoyé par l’éditeur aux journaux et médias.

Donc, tout va bon train, j’ai très hâte, et je vous tiens au courant de tous ces développements « FUTUR ».

Votre ami dans le temps,

MLB :a38:
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
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Postpar Manu R. McFly » 04 Juil 2005, 20:16

Tu nous tiendras au courant dès qu'on verra l'annonce sur le site de l'éditeur ! :a19:
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Postpar Michel L Brown » 04 Juil 2005, 20:34

Ce sera avec le plus grand plaisir! oki-doki Manu! :a10: :c06:

MLB :delo:
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
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Michel L Brown
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Postpar Michel L Brown » 05 Juil 2005, 18:54

Pour quelques infos sur mon distributeur Édipresse

voir ici,

MLB :a01:
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
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Postpar Michel L Brown » 08 Juil 2005, 19:52

La date de sortie du livre qui devait avoir lieu à la fin août a été repoussé au 15 septembre en raison des vacances d'été et d'un surcroît de travail dans un temps jugé trop serré par l'éditeur.

Mais ne craignez rien, tout va très bien et c'est pour le mieux.

Dans le message que m'a envoyé la pdg de la maison d'Édition, mme Micheline Pelletier, elle tient tout comme moi à ce que soit une réussite. Voici ce qu'elle m'a dit dans ces propres mots à ce sujet: "Vous avez un bon livre et il serait important d'avoir le temps pour bien le peaufiner."

Je tenais à vous le communiquer afin qu'il n'y ait pas confusion.

MLB :a38:
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
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Michel L Brown
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Postpar Manu R. McFly » 08 Juil 2005, 20:42

Pourquoi faut-il toujours qu'on ait un timing aussi serré !! :marty:
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Postpar Continuum » 08 Juil 2005, 21:25

Tu vas donc faire la rentrée littéraire...
Harry Potter 6 sort le 1er octobre en version française, ce qui te laisse quand même un peu de temps face à ce blockbuster de l'édition.
continuum espace-temps : espace à quatre dimensions avec pour quatrième dimension le temps.
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Postpar Michel L Brown » 09 Juil 2005, 02:23

Continuum a écrit:Tu vas donc faire la rentrée littéraire...
Harry Potter 6 sort le 1er octobre en version française, ce qui te laisse quand même un peu de temps face à ce blockbuster de l'édition.

Très juste. Seulement faudra perdre une seule minute! :clock: :c11:

Autrement je vais devoir créer une diversion! :a08: :roll: :humour:

@+ dans le temps,

MLB :doc2: :delo:
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
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Michel L Brown
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Inscription: 25 Aoû 2002, 04:19
Localisation: Hill Brook QC CANADA

Postpar Michel L Brown » 10 Juil 2005, 22:22

Developments and news concerning the fiction novel "Boomerang Time" of Michel Labbé.


Born in the region of La chaudiere-Appalaches, Quebec, from a family of story-tellers. Aside from being a student of history and geography, the author Michel Labbé is an admirer of Jules Verne. Profiting from some extra free time, due to a slowdown in the company for which he works for, (as a print press operator), He decides to write his first novel. The story is written in an easy-reading comprehensible manner that makes it a delight to read. With only the power of his imagination, Michel has created an original, captivating story about time travel that will be enjoyed for years to come.


While Dr. Evans F. Duger (« Doug »), along with his faithful dog, Galileo are performing an experiment with his vehicle, the « Boomerang » on an old railroad line, he discovers a time portal that is also a wormhole. He decides to go back in time to help the father of his best friend Handy McGowan, who was the victim of a dirty trick of his class rival Stiff Tyken, which consequently ruined his future. He then decided to leave to fulfill his dream of meeting Thomas Edison, but due to an accident ends up at the end of the XIX century, where he falls in love and marries the beautiful biochemist Cybril Baxton. When he finds out that Cybril’s father, Wilmor has accepted a duel (that would mean Wilmor’s certain death), with the evil baron John-Lee Cromwell, Doug journeys back through time to find the manuscript that was destroyed during a Viking invasion in Scotland in the XI century, a manuscript that would expose the hypocrisy of the Cromwell’s and re-establish the inheritance of the Baxtons. However, the scientist learns that journeying through time can have disastrous… and surprising consequences…

Reasons for sale of the science fiction novel
« Boomerang Time » from the distributor Édipresse

Reason no.: 1

First credible novel of a voyage through time AND SPACE on
a vehicle, based on the « Wormhole » theory. H.G. Wells ex. « The Time
Machine » was only able to move through to time and not through space.

Reason no.: 2

The novel is written with passion and originality, while at the same time it is done in a simple and well written manner. This gives it the added bonus of keeping the reader glued to the story. The author already has a European market with fans eagerly awaiting the release.

Reason no.: 3

This is the first novel by a Quebec author
that uses the specific theme of « Time travel » in a story based in the geography of the U.S.A. There is an upcoming translation for English speaking countries.

Reason no.: 4

Captivating and mind-boggling story outline. The imagination and creativity of the author is imbued in the characters he creates. Throughout the course of the story the beauty of certain eras are shown: The rock’n roll era of 1962, the end of the XIX century and the Scottish Middle Age during a Viking invasion in 1015. Well researched medieval aspect.

See you in the future,

Your friend in time,

Michel Labbé (MLB) :a38:
Dernière édition par Michel L Brown le 14 Aoû 2005, 01:11, édité 5 fois.
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
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Michel L Brown
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Inscription: 25 Aoû 2002, 04:19
Localisation: Hill Brook QC CANADA

Postpar flobo » 13 Aoû 2005, 21:44

Ca fait un bon bout de temps que j'ai pas posté sur le forum. :D

Salut Michel, je me demandais si lorsque ton livre paraitra au canada (le mois prochain, si je me souviens bien), il sera disponible sur un site internet d'ou on pourrait l'importer vers la france.
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Comment se procurer mon livre sur le net

Postpar Michel L Brown » 14 Aoû 2005, 00:09

Salut à tous les backers, et plus particulièrement à toi flobo!

Je suis revenu de mon séjour de camping dans l’Est, et je m’empresse de répondre à ta question, la même que d’autres se posent finalement, quant à la façon ou la possibilité de se procurer mon livre pour vous en Europe avant qu’il soit disponible chez votre libraire le plus près.

Disons que pour se le procurer sur le net comme tu dis, je ne te bercerai pas de faux espoirs en te disant qu’on pourra le commander sur Ebay par exemple, le jour de sa sortie ou dans la semaine suivante, enfin ça m’étonnerait. Même si j’anticipe, sans aucune prétention de ma part, un franc succès dans cette première édition ici au Québec. Remarque que si la chose se répand comme une traînée de poudre grâce à la couverture médiatique qu’on voudra bien lui prêter le jour de sa sortie dans les journaux, les revues, les chroniques(ou critiques) de livres sur les grandes chaînes de télé et de radio ici, il y a tout lieu de croire que les possibilités de se le procurer en Europe et ailleurs, deviendront par la force des choses, plus rapide aussi.

Néanmoins si j’étais vous, la première chose que je tenterais pour l’obtenir(et de vous en assurer un exemplaire) serais pour ma part, à partir du moment que je connaîtrai et pourrai vous donner avec une certitude absolue sa date de sortie officielle, d’en faire la commande sur le site de mon éditeur en cliquant dans
la rubrique « Pour commander » après au préalable avoir pris connaissance de son existence officiel dans leur rubrique « Galerie des titres », où il devrait en faire partie la journée même de l’annonce par l’éditeur de sa parution.

Votre ami dans le temps,

MLB :a38:
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
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Michel L Brown
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Inscription: 25 Aoû 2002, 04:19
Localisation: Hill Brook QC CANADA

Re: Comment se procurer mon livre sur le net

Postpar Michel L Brown » 14 Aoû 2005, 04:19

Michel L Brown a écrit:Salut à tous les backers, et plus particulièrement à toi flobo!

Je suis revenu de mon séjour de camping dans l’Est, et je m’empresse de répondre à ta question, la même que d’autres se posent finalement, quant à la façon ou la possibilité de se procurer mon livre pour vous en Europe avant qu’il soit disponible chez votre libraire le plus près.

Disons que pour se le procurer sur le net comme tu dis, je ne te bercerai pas de faux espoirs en te disant qu’on pourra le commander sur Ebay par exemple, le jour de sa sortie ou dans la semaine suivante, enfin ça m’étonnerait. Même si j’anticipe, sans aucune prétention de ma part, un franc succès dans cette première édition ici au Québec. Remarque que si la chose se répand comme une traînée de poudre grâce à la couverture médiatique qu’on voudra bien lui prêter le jour de sa sortie dans les journaux, les revues, les chroniques(ou critiques) de livres sur les grandes chaînes de télé et de radio ici, il y a tout lieu de croire que les possibilités de se le procurer en Europe et ailleurs, deviendront par la force des choses, plus rapide aussi.

Néanmoins si j’étais vous, la première chose que je tenterais pour l’obtenir(et de vous en assurer un exemplaire) serais pour ma part, à partir du moment que je connaîtrai et pourrai vous donner avec une certitude absolue sa date de sortie officielle, d’en faire la commande sur le site de mon éditeur en cliquant dans
la rubrique « Pour commander » après au préalable avoir pris connaissance de son existence officiel dans leur rubrique « Galerie des titres », où il devrait en faire partie la journée même de l’annonce par l’éditeur de sa parution.

Votre ami dans le temps,

MLB :a38:

:arrow: Ah oui, j'allais oublié lol. :a23: Mon roman est déjà annonçé dans la rubrique "ÉVÉNEMENTS" de ce même site, comme étant à venir pour août - septembre prochain. Voilà! Vous pouvez vérifier.

(P.S. Désoler, je pouvais plus aller dans "éditer" pour corriger mon message, il était trop tard.) :a08:

MLB :doc2: :delo:
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
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Michel L Brown
Cousin de Chuck Berry
Posts: 1000
Inscription: 25 Aoû 2002, 04:19
Localisation: Hill Brook QC CANADA

L'épreuve finale!

Postpar Michel L Brown » 22 Aoû 2005, 11:39

Bonjour à tous,

À partir d'aujourd'hui, après une révision complète de mon roman fiction "Le Boomerang du Temps", j'attend fébrilement l'épreuve finale, et donc le premier modèle de mon livre. Ensuite, après l'avoir revu une dernière fois et approuvé, il partira chez l'imprimeur.

À bientôt "dans le temps", :clock:

MLB :doc2: :delo:
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
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Michel L Brown
Cousin de Chuck Berry
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Inscription: 25 Aoû 2002, 04:19
Localisation: Hill Brook QC CANADA

Postpar Nights » 22 Aoû 2005, 12:08

Pourquoi ton livre est-il le plus cher de ceux à paraître au fait, parce que c'est le meilleur ? :a38: :a12:
BTTF :: Pixar fan
"Mon premier film était si mauvais qu'aux Etats-Unis, dans sept États, on l'utilise pour remplacer la peine de mort" - Woody Allen
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Postpar Michel L Brown » 22 Aoû 2005, 12:37

Nights a écrit:Pourquoi ton livre est-il le plus cher de ceux à paraître au fait, parce que c'est le meilleur ? :a38: :a12:

Tout simplement qu'il faut que tu considères le nombre de pages en rapport avec le prix. À titre d'exemple, si tu regardes bien dans la "Galerie des titres" de l'éditeur, le roman "Le canon sur la tempe" de Roger Lafrance, est de 224 pages, et le prix annoncé est de 21,95 $CAN. Alors que le mien qui fera 260 pages sera du même prix. Il n'est pas cher. Parce que dans les prix qui m'ont été suggéré, en raison de cela et en tenant compte du marché actuel, j'aurais pu le vendre 22,95 $CAN, et même 23,95$CAN! :roll:

Ce n'est nullement comparable avec le prix du prochain Harry Potter
qui se vendra facilement 31,95 $CAN, sans compter qu'avec les taxes il se retrouvera autour de 35 $CAN minimum!

Donc, je crois qu'à 21,95 $CAN, mon roman est déjà un très bon "deal" Night! :c06: :a07: :a38:

Et que c'est une histoire effectivement à ne pas manquer pour ce prix!

MLB :a01:
Dernière édition par Michel L Brown le 22 Aoû 2005, 12:44, édité 1 fois.
Michel L. Brown, scéno-technicien de la relativité!

"Samedi dans la nuit, nous te renverrons... vers le futur!!" (v.f. DOC 1955)
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Michel L Brown
Cousin de Chuck Berry
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Inscription: 25 Aoû 2002, 04:19
Localisation: Hill Brook QC CANADA

Postpar Nights » 22 Aoû 2005, 12:41

T'inquiète pas, à n'importe quel prix, tout le forum achètera ton livre :a13:
BTTF :: Pixar fan
"Mon premier film était si mauvais qu'aux Etats-Unis, dans sept États, on l'utilise pour remplacer la peine de mort" - Woody Allen
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